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Cranberry Chutney

Thanksgiving is not complete without cranberry sauce, but not just any pre-made cranberry jello-type sauce. This Cranberry Chutney will rock your taste buds and you'll never go back to that old canned crap! You'll need:

- 1 bag of whole cranberries

- 1 apple, cored and seeded

- 3-4 celery stalks, remove ends

- 1 whole orange

- 1 cup of pecans

- 2/3 cup of sugar

- 1 pack of raspberry jello

- I cup hot water

- 1 tbsp of Chambord Liqueur, optional

In a food processor, add the cranberries and pulse until desired consistency. I like mine to have little texture and crunch so I dont overly process/grind the ingredients. Remove the cranberries and place into large mixing bowl. Follow the same steps with the apple, orange (peel included) and celery and combine in large bowl. Lastly, place the nuts in the food processor and roughly chop, making sure not to over grind before adding to the rest of the chopped fruit.

In another large bowl mix hot water, jello packet and sugar and mix until dissolved. The jello is where your flavor preference comes in. I use raspberry jello because it's my favorite, but I've also used cherry and strawberry in the past and it turns out well. The main reason I like to use raspberry, is because I add in a tiny splash of Chambord Liqueur. It gives it a nice little pop and some added flavor. If you're cooking for children, you can always skip this step, or split it into to bowls and have an "adult version".

This pairs perfect with the turkey, but also serves as a great dessert for those sweet tooth cravings!


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